

Estimated date of birth2023

More animals: Male

Homere frei


This girl was suddenly there at the entrance of the shelter where also some other dogs live freely. It took us a long time to come close to her in order to give her medicins fur her skin and to…

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Skouti Cage M4

Skouti – a great fighter with a loving heart

This is Skouti who was found in a very bad condition. He was found by a member of MELIOS in Skoutari and that's why we named him Skouti! His condition was really tragic. He had so many health…

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August Cage B4


We found this dog in the month of August –hence the name. He is very social with people and has an active and lively character without overdoing it.

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Andy Cage B3


Andy was found in an abandoned building in July 2019, chained and found without water or food. His collar was so tight that he had a big open wound around his neck. Probably left there to die slowly…

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Xenos Cage B9


Xenos (greek for stranger/guest) was also a puppy when we found him in 2020 in the neighbourhood of one of the members of the MELIOS Team. He was very thin and needed a lot of attention in the…

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Grigoris Apothiki


Grigoris was named after the man who found him in 2014. He was a puppy at that time and needed help because he was very thin. Now he is a model dog and likes to be around humans. The volunteers…

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Frondo Cage B10


FRONDO and Mitsos are two of our oldest dogs. Frondo was abandoned in the yard of Mylos and Mitsos was born at Melios. Mitsos is the third generation of a dog at Melios "Anna". We found Anna and her…

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Thomas Cage A


Thomas was together with his brother, Tobias, found at Selinitsa as puppies. Their mother was lying next to them, dead due to a car accident. His brother Tobias is still with him in the same cage.

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Tobias Cage A


Tobias and Thomas are siblings and were also found together as puppies. And as it is with siblings, they are both completely different. While Thomas is the quiet and shy boy, Tobias is the crazy one!

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Kyklopas Cage B2


Kiklopas was found in a small village not far away from Gytheio. A young woman called us, telling us that we should go and help this poor boy. When we arrived there we saw a skinny boy ,with many…

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Kontzi Cage 22


KONTZI was found as a puppy alone and abandoned by a man on a field, who brought him to us. Meanwhile he is a bigger and handsome man but very friendly and easy to keep.

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Kyriakos Cage 9


KYRIAKOS was the son of a stray bitch who lived in Gytheio, unfortunately his mother died. He is very insecure with the people, sometimes he argues with his roommates about the food.

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Beli Cage M3


BELI was found as a puppy at Pritsiotiko where the old facilities of MELIOS were. He is a little bit more crazy, it seems that once he starts playing he forgets to stop! But he certainly knows how to…

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Pandy Cage 8


Pandy is in the kennel with several other dogs that are all siblings! They were still puppies when we found them in an area near Gythio. They were with their mother, but when she died, we brought…

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Johnie Cage 8


JOHNIE is the most active dog of all in kennel number 8. He also gets along very well with humans. Johnie is the kind of dog that also "demands" his attention from us humans. He would certainly be a…

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Asproulis Cage 8


ASPROULIS is clever! He always behaves according to his mood. Either he gives you the impression of a very calm dog or then again a very active dog! He can wrap you with it quite nicely around his…

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Aftoubas Cage 8


AFTOUBAS means "big ears" in Greek, and that is its charm! He is also a very shy and careful dog towards visitors he does not know yet! That was very bad at the beginning! It was hardly possible to…

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Arapis Cage 8


ARAPIS is a friendly dog both to humans and to other dogs. He still likes to play and is looking for a playmate forever! He also loves to be cuddled and stroked. Wouldn't he be the ideal playmate for…

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Kanellos Cage 7


KANELLOS was abandoned when he was about 2 years old at the old facilities of MELIOS. He is a very calm and friendly boy. KANELLOS is adopted at distance by Conny and Cloude Maelfait. Imagine that.

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Andreas Cage 6


ANDREAS was found as a puppy in Gytheio. He is the king of "crazy"! More "crazy" is almost impossible! He loves everyone who comes to him in the kennel and tries to animate him to play! He likes…

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Marcos Apothiki


MARCOS had a car accident. When they brought him to the clinic he could not walk or stand on his back legs. We gave him a good treatment and some physical exercise and now he runs like the wind. He…

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Cooper Cage 2

Cooper – the beautiful one

COOPER and Lazaros were found next to the rubbish bin close to Areopolis from a woman, in a very bad situation, close to death. We took them at the clinic because they were very very young and they…

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Stefan Cage 2


Stefan is a quiet and really sweet boy. He was found together with his sister Manuela by a German couple on a camping site. It is very common for dogs that have been abandoned on the beach to find…

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Prego Cage 4


PREGO was abandoned with his sister as a puppy in the yard of an old house. Likely a woman heard them crying and called us. His sister unfortunately did not make it. He is good with other dogs but a…

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