

Οlga Cage 2
Estimated date of birth2021
Οlga Cage 2Οlga Cage 2Οlga Cage 2Οlga Cage 2Οlga Cage 2Οlga Cage 2

More animals: Female

Lisa Blue House

Lisa - the invisible one!

Why the invisible? Because she is not recognised. Many people who come to MELIOS don't know her because she lives with Angelos and Avril at a friend's house. We visit them every day, feed them and…

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Bailey Cage B9


Baily was found as a puppy as well. She is a very calm, shy and silent lady and very careful towards people.

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Clara Cage B9


When we found her, she was pregnant but could not give birth to her puppies. We took her to the vet who performed surgery on her – but her puppies were already dead. She is very calm and reserved and…

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Klapsi Cage B3


Like most dogs, Klapsi was abandoned as a puppy and left to her fate. She is a calm, sweet and very friendly dog that loves to be caressed.

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Madeleine Cage B3


In 2017, Madeleine was found by a Dutch woman with the same name. What a coincidence! She was still a puppy then. At that time, we used to first treat puppies at the old watermill, the “Milos” as we…

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Lotta Cage B2


Lotta was found as a puppy on the street and has been with us ever since. She is very lively and funny and likes to play with water.

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Stami Melios frei


STAMI were found together with Grouthi and Dimi when they were still young puppies in village in Mani abandoned in a field.

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Blondy Melios oben


She was wandering on the roads of Mavrovouni all by herself, skinny and with skin problems on her belly. At first, we were feeding her on the street but later took her to the shelter because she was…

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Mara Cage 15


MARA is more shy, but once she gets to know you she likes playing a lot. SARA, girl, she was found as a puppy in Limeni – a village about 25 km away from Githio – by a woman with 4 more brothers and…

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Sara Cage 15


SARA, girl, she was found as a puppy in Limeni – a village about 25 km away from Githio – by a woman with 4 more brothers and sisters. Only two more except SARA survived and these are MARA and PATTY…

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Melitsa Cage 20


She was found in Mylos (the old animal shelter) at the age of about one year. Someone had tied her up there, near the river and left her behind. She is very lively and loves people but female dogs…

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Maria Cage 10


MARIA was found as a puppy too, with her brother which because of his tragic condition did not make it. She is a calm and quiet girl.

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Grouthi Cage 17


GROUTHI were found together with Dimi and Stami when they were still young puppies in village in Mani abandoned in a field..

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Mia Cage 12


Mia was abandoned together with her puppies at the campsite in Mavrouni. The management of the campsite informed us, and we took themin. Both Mia and Lagia are very friendly and quiet dogs.

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MARGARITA found close to the cemitaty of Gytheio. She was pregnant, very skinny and weak. Margarita, our vet, was coming in Gytheio that day and she told us about that dog. We went immediately to…

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Vera Cage 9


VERA was found in Gytheio. She was abandoned all alone and was really very scared. She is a quiet girl and also a little shy

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Maska Cage 9


MASKA and MEZY are sisters. They were found in a village far away from Gytheio called Mezapos. They are both very lively girls, but MEZY is even more lively and far crazier.

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Elsy Cage M3


ELSY has been at the same kennel with Shiver and Beli since they were puppies. They have grew together! ELSIY was found as a puppy by our Elsa, a rainy, cold day hiding under her car. ELSY is a calm…

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Mani Cage 7


MANI was left as a puppy in Mylos (the old shelter) with her sister who was adopted in Holland. She likes playing very much but because of the insecurity she feels among other dogs she mostly keeps a…

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Brownie Cage 7


BROWNIE and her brother – who was adopted in Gytheio – were found as puppies in the cemetery of Gytheio! She is a calm lady and behaves very well with other dogs. She is very friendly but gets a…

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Shiba Cage 6


SHIBA was also found as a puppy in Githeio. Although she is also active, she is a little calmer and more reserved than the others in kennel No. 6. But somehow you can already see that in her…

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Vleky Cage 6


Vleky was found in Gytheio when she was already an adult. She must have given birth to puppies shortly before, but we couldn't find any in the near surroundings. Vleky - the name is also recognizable…

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Julie Cage 6


Even if it seems boring, but most dogs in Greece are often abandoned as puppies and left to their fate. It was the same with Julie. She was found as a puppy in a village near Gytheio. According to…

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Melissa Cage 6


MELISSA has an extensive story on the MELIOS Facebook page: MELISSA - a defective tool“ from August 20, 2018. As sad as she started, she has been so good for MELIOS so far. The only thing missing is…

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Petra Cage 5


Petra, born in 2018, originally comes from a village in the hills where we took care of her, together with her 3 siblings. One day, they had disappeared and were found 10 kilometers away a couple of…

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Dimi Cage 4


Dimi were found together with Grouthi and Stami when they were still young puppies in village in Mani abandoned in a field.

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Nasia Cage 17


NASIA and Stella are two girls. They are sisters - totally different as a character (as always)! Nasia with a little white at her head is the most lively and crazy. Stella is more calm. Both were…

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